Forum rules

These rules apply to all users and uses of our bulletin board(s)/forum(s). It is designed to protect us and you and to ensure that everyone can use the bulletin board(s)/forum(s) and benefit from them safely.

1. We reserve the right to remove any contributions posted, entirely at our discretion.
2. We also reserve the right to disclose your personal data in response to a threat of legal action.
3. We take no liability whatsoever for any material posted on the bulletin board(s)/forum(s).

1. Avoid swear words and asterisks.
2. Do not liable any company or individual or let any debate become personal.
3. Pornographic and other illegal or offensive contributions are prohibited.
4. Do not provide any personal information.
5. Aim to ensure debate remains relevant to topic concerned.
6. Do not impersonate someone. Nicknames are acceptable as long as they are not offensive and are not someone else?s name.
7. You may not use the bulletin board(s)/forums for advertising or marketing purposes whether for companies or charitable or other organisations.
8. Do not put on the site any information which breaches copyright. If you want to refer to something appearing on the internet, then give a link and check first that the site does not prohibit links.

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